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Oscar Eastwood at Maker Faire Atlanta 2015

Fun times at my second Maker Faire with Patricia Bell, Colleen Jordan, Tyna Kachnic and our collective Oscar Eastwood.

Here are some candid shots captured by Ian Cole (@digitalman2112) of us making wind chimes with glitter hot melt, our activity and table setup, and Tyna playing ukulele 🎶.

Oscar Eastwood “Society of Lady Makers” – A group of friends that met at Georgia Tech and gave themselves a fun name (based on Oscar Wilde and Clint Eastwood) to get girls excited about making and STEM 😀 #mfatl #makerfaire

Oscar Eastwood is a collective of lady makers. We strive to work with and learn from both the crafter and maker communities, and to bring together technology and tradition to create awesome projects. We are passionate about getting children interested in the STEAM Fields and convincing people being creative in the technical world is where the magic happens.


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