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I love plants so of course my favorite project working with Acuity Brands Lighting is a grow light. I led our small product development team in the US and China from concept to launch on this limited edition horticultural light fixture. The Lithonia Lighting® LED Grow


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Grow box for a world where natural light and space are scarce. Functional art created from scavenged wood, mirror, acrylic, and electronics, approx. 26" x 15" x 6". This piece was featured in Grouphug's show Power Me during NYC Design Week 2017 and the


Maker Faire Atlanta collaborations with my school friends Patricia Bell, Colleen Jordan, and Tyna Kachnic under our collective Oscar Eastwood. Our first Maker Faire was in 2014 and it made me so happy that our wearable circuit kits were a hit with everyone, especially the kiddos.