Oscar Eastwood at Maker Faire Atlanta 2014
This year I participated in my first Maker Faire with my school friends Patricia Bell, Colleen Jordan, and Tyna Kachnic under our collective Oscar Eastwood.
Our wearable circuit kits were a hit with the kiddos. Each kit included a custom laser-cut felt critter character that we each designed along with LED, conductive thread, pin, battery housing, coin cell battery, and assembly instructions. The first few images in this post show the kit with my critter character design: Chi Chi Poof.
We hosted on-going workshops at our booth for kids to assemble the kits and demonstrate Tyna’s diy letterpress by printing the cover for our zine. We also set up some of our personal projects to share with the community. I brought my desktop zen garden prototypes to test out with Tricia’s mini garden tools. It’s awesome seeing how different people played in the sand and set up scenes with the 3d printed rocks and figurines. It was fun sharing our designs with everyone who stopped by.
It was a good two days learning and making with everyone we visited with. The weather was great! Colleen made a timelapse of the letterpress in action and took portraits of each of us using her instax camera, too.
Oscar Eastwood is a collective of lady makers. We strive to work with and learn from both the crafter and maker communities, and to bring together technology and tradition to create awesome projects. We are passionate about getting children interested in the STEAM Fields and convincing people being creative in the technical world is where the magic happens.