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Geometric Space Honeycomb Lapel Pins / Brooches, Hand-Painted Set

2 piece set of hand-painted, sealed, and finished geometric honeycomb pins with butterfly clutch backs. Pin bases were salvaged from test runs of custom designs 3D printed in PLA, a biodegradable plastic. Approximate sizes are 1″ x 0.75″ and 0.75″ x 0.625″. Ready to pin on your lapel, collar, shirt, backpack, etc. Sold.

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3D Model, 3D Printed, 3dp, backpack, bees, brooch, Cosmos, ctmayo, ethereal material shop, galactic, hand painted, honeycomb, lapel, nature, pin, recycling, ruo, sold, Space, upcycling, wonderdreamswanderinspace, zero waste